Off Campus Programs
Work Experience
Work Experience provides students with opportunities to learn job specific skills required for the workplace. Students can be placed within volunteer or paid positions under the supervision of a competent worker and earn up to 15 credits towards their high school diploma with Work Experience 15, 25, and 35.
Students looking to explore occupations or career decisions should look into the Work Experience program to gain valuable knowledge and experience before entering into post-secondary training. This program also provides the opportunity to develop references for future employment or scholarship applications.
The Work Experience Program is an opportunity for students to develop employability skills while completing high school credits. Students work at an approved work site part time or during the summer in this program. They work with employers and receive 1 credit for every 25 hours of work. All forms must be completed, signed, and returned to the Off-Campus Education Coordinator before a student is accepted into the program.
Students may work between 7:00 am and 10:00 pm, Monday through Sunday.
Transportation is the student’s responsibility.
How do you get involved in work experience?
- Connect with Mrs. Reinhart at OLMP Catholic School.
- Complete the HCS 3000 Worksite Safety course. This is a mandatory prerequisite for Work Experience - no credits/hours will be earned until this is done.
- Vistit the OLMP Work Experience website for more information.
Thank you for your interest in our Off-Campus Programming.
If these programs interest you as a student, parent, or business owner, please contact the OLMP office ( or 780-672-2975) for more details.
Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP)
The Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) is an opportunity for high school students to earn up to 40 credits towards their high school diploma while accumulating hours towards their first year apprenticeship in one of Alberta’s designated trades.
Students who have made career choices and commitments to RAP begin their training in any one of the apprenticeship trades while in high school. They spend part of their year in school completing graduation requirements and part in an industry as a registered apprentice. Visit Trade Secrets for more information about the trades.
All students participating in RAP must complete the ACSA (Alberta Construction Safety Association) course. This is an online course which is offered at no cost to high school students. See your high school Off-Campus Coordinator or Counsellor for more information.
Advantages of RAP?
- Allows a high school student the opportunity to start a Post-Secondary Program in a well-respected career while in high school.
- A RAP apprentice gets a realistic look at the work world and learns employability and hands on skills required in the industry.
- With a high demand for skilled trade workers, the future in the chosen career field is very promising.
- Employers have an opportunity to find quality young employees.
- RAP students earn a wage plus as many as 40 high school credits including four 30-level, 5-credit courses towards their high school diploma.
Opportunities in RAP
Agricultural Equipment Technician | Crane and Hoisting Equipment Operator | Landscape Gardener | Recreation Vehicle Service Technician |
Appliance Service Technician | Electric Motor Systems Technician | Lather-Interior Systems Mechanic | Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic |
Auto Body Technician | Electrician | Locksmith | Rig Technician 3 |
Automotive Service Technician | Elevator Constructor | Machinist | Roofer |
Baker | Floorcovering Installer | Millwright | Sheet Metal Worker |
Boilermaker | Gasfitter (A) or (B) | Motorcycle Mechanic | Sprinkler System Installer |
Bricklayer | Glazier (Glazier or Auto Glass Technician) | Natural Gas Compression Technician | Steamfitter - Pipefitter |
Cabinetmaker | Hairstylist | Outdoor Power Equipment Technician | Structural Steel and Plate Fitter |
Carpenter | Heavy Equipment Technician | Painter and Decorator | Tilesetter |
Communication Technician | Instrument Technician | Parts Technician | Transport Refrigeration Technician |
Concrete Finisher | Insulator | Powerline Technician | Water Well Driller |
Cook | Ironworker | Power System Electrician | Welder |
Steps for RAP Students:
1) Find an employer in one of the trades listed above. Criteria:
a) They must HIRE (pay) you as an apprentice.
b) You must be supervised by a CERTIFIED JOURNEYMAN.
2) Meet with Mrs. Reinhart to discuss requirements of the program. You will be given a Rap Student Booklet for yourself and a RAP Employer Booklet for your employer. A date will be set-up to meet your employer to discuss the program.
3) Employer, student, parent, and Off-Campus Supervisor must sign the Off Campus Contract Form (located in student booklet).
4) Go to the Trade Secrets website and "Apply for AIT Program and Services". All instructions are located in the RAP student booklet, and your employer is responsible for keeping your hours and skills tracked digitally.
5) Complete and hand in all required documents to your academic advisor as outlined by checklist in Student Booklet.
Forms for RAP:
- RAP Employer Booklet
- Rap Student Booklet
- Off Campus Contract Form
- Student Learning Journals
- Employer Safety
- Work Site Inspection Form
- Employer Student Evaluation
- Monthly Timesheets
RAP Links:
Dual Credit Programming
In a partnership with Lakeland College in Vermillion, OLMP is proud to offer Dual Credit Programming.
Jumpstart your college education while you’re in high school with dual credit courses. It's an opportunity to explore a career path and earn both high school and college credits.
Lakeland College offers 7 dual credit courses:
- Environmental Sustainability
- Health, Safety, and Nutrition
- Introduction to Esthetics
- Introduction to Heavy Oil and Gas (requires one day lab)
- Introduction to Soil Science
- Health Care Aide Section 1
Dual credit courses are free. You take live, online classes or view class recordings on D2L, Lakeland’s learning management system.
For more information CLICK HERE and see Mrs. Reinhart.
Lakeland Dual Credit Application form - complete and return to Mrs. Reinhart.