Our School

Grades Taught

5 to 12


Our Lady of Mount Pleasant Catholic School (OLMP) resides within the family of Elk Island Catholic Schools (EICS) and is part of Alberta's publicly-funded education system. Located in Camrose, OLMP offers a four-day school week, providing 21st century, quality Catholic education for students in Grades 5 to 12.


Bob Charchun (click to email)


Sharilynn Shakeshaft - Assistant Principal, Grades 5 to 8 (click to email)

Jaymie Reinhart - Assistant Principal, Grades 9 to 12 (click to email)


Our School motto is: A Light for our Path (Psalm 119).

Our Division motto is: Where is Jesus? Right here, right now!


Our Lady of Mount Pleasant Catholic School is committed to building relationships that foster lifelong learning in faith, love and community. Every individual will find their light and in turn become a light for others.


  • Creating in each student a positive self image.
  • Creating a climate where each student can grow in faith, knowledge, and love.
  • Guiding/fostering intellectual development.
  • Fostering a spirit of community.
  • Providing instruction and experiences which enhance and enrich our faith.
  • Meeting the physical and emotional needs of the individual.
  • Providing work and play experiences which teach co-operation and sportsmanship.
  • Setting a positive example for students to follow, disciplining students with dignity and fairness.


  • That Jesus Christ and his teachings are the foundation and core of our Catholic School Division.
  • That a quality education is a continuing process that develops the whole person in an environment which encourages success.
  • That we live out the Catholic faith through our words, our actions, and our interactions.
  • That Catholic education is a shared responsibility between the home, the school, the parish, and the community.
  • That education is a lifelong journey during which excellence is actively pursued.
  • That everyone has worth and dignity as a unique creation of God.

Programs and Services

  • Extensive courses and options
  • Breakfast Club and Hot Lunch
  • Work experience credit
  • Successful athletic program
  • And much more!