BRSD Transportation Update for 2024 - 2025

BRSD Transportation is pleased to announce that bus registration for the 2024/25 school year opened at 9 a.m. on April 17, 2024, and will close at 4 p.m. on June 27, 2024.
The change in the registration window will allow for more timely notification of student bus assignments. This change also allows for better communication between schools, families and transportation department staff. Earlier route assignments help bus drivers to be fully prepared for the upcoming school year and adjust to any route changes that may occur.
Students from the City of Camrose and the Town of Tofield must register annually. For all other locations, students need to register only if this is the first time they have ridden a BRSD school bus, such as new students beginning Kindergarten.
Additionally, students that have had changes to their contact information, such as physical address or school of attendance, are required to register. If there are no changes to student contact information, rural students will automatically be included in the route plans for the upcoming school year, and there will be no need for them to register.
Applications for school of choice/cross boundary transportation will be available at 9 a.m. on May 1, 2024.
For more details, eligibility information, and to register, please visit:
The Severe Needs transportation request forms need to be submitted by May 31, 2024; the form can be found here: