Attention: Our Lost and Found Bin is Overflowing!

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you an urgent announcement:
The Lost and Found Bin at OLMP Catholic School has declared a state of emergency!
The Lost and Found Bin is so full we suspect it might be harbouring a secret mission to bless the less fortunate with unclaimed treasures!
Fear not, devoted parents! We beseech you to summon your children to embark on a pilgrimage to the Lost and Found Bin before the deadline of December 14; failure to do so will result in the benevolent donation of these lovely items to the less fortunate.
So, assemble your young detectives and have them venture forth to reclaim what is rightfully theirs!
Thank you for helping us out with this, and please remember:
Any items left unclaimed by the end of the day on December 14th will be donated to charity.