An Update on 2024 - 2025 Student Placements

Dear Parents,
At OLMP Catholic School, we strive to ensure that every child experiences individual success. One
aspect of committing to this goal is creating classroom environments that will ensure each child succeeds. Creating class lists for the following year is an arduous process that involves many factors and many members of the OLMP professional team.
Working in grade-level teams, our staff members take many variables into consideration. The following are just a few of the criteria in placement decisions: age and gender, compatibility with peers, social and emotional maturation, academics, special and unique needs, and equality of class size. Specific teacher request is not part of the formula used in creating balanced class dynamics.
As parents, you have a specific understanding of your child’s compatibility with peers, social ability,
special needs, or personal family situations that may be unknown to your child’s future teacher. School administration will take this valuable information into consideration when placing your child in a particular grouping context. However, requests for specific classroom placements, non-classroom placements, or specific teachers will not be taken into consideration as it becomes too difficult to achieve our goals of fair and equal class groupings, thus having an impact on the learning of entire groups of students. Additionally, as a result of student number fluctuations, we may not know specific teacher grade assignments until the staffing cycle is complete.
Thank you for your cooperation, trust, and respect regarding your child’s education. We are confident in the academic and faith dynamics of our school programming as a positive and integral role in your child's development.
We are excited to begin building for another successful year at OLMP Catholic School. Should you
require clarification regarding the process, please contact us at the school at 780-672-2975.
OLMP School Leadership Team
(To download a printable version of the letter, please click here.)